Measuring video lights with a colorimeter

After more than half a year of home office I decided to improve my setup by adding proper lights to my work space. Following a recommendation I bought 2 video lights off Amazon, and then at the recent Black Friday week I bought the same video lights in a set of 2 with tripods (because the set cost less than I paid previously for the 2 single units). To my dismay I discovered that the 4 video lights, same brand and same model, actually looked different and performed different! The question is, which video light is more "correct" and therefore better to keep? I wanted to keep two and return two because I don't need four lights. Two is more than enough. The lights can be adjusted for brightness and for color temperature, but all the four lights would look different at the same setting. So which light was correct? Which to keep? After breaking my head for a bit I suddenly remembered the old colorimeter I have in my cabinet. It actually does ...