
Showing posts from February, 2012

Silicon Berlin Update

It has been a while since my first Silicon Berlin blog post. I tried to put the essence of my understand of Silicon Berlin into a few lines: Silicon Berlin is a label or brand that hopes to unite Berlin web companies to make Berlin a better place for web companies. It can serve as a label under which a community of web companies and IT people can act together. Silicon Berlin - beeing a true community effort - is not owned by anybody and can be used by anyone interested to further their goals with regard to making Berlin more attractive for web companies and for people who like to work in web companies. Please comment and let me know your opinion. My most recent activity is my first public Silicon Berlin talk at the 5th Berlin DevOps meetup . Here are a few new related articles, events and links: Silicon Allee Breakfast Meetup on 2012-02-07 Warum Berlin das neue Silicon Valley ist , Berliner Morgenpost, 2012-01-29 „Berlin – das Silicon Valley Deutschlands?“ Event on 2012

5th Berlin DevOps Meetup

See Berlin DevOps homepage for group info. "Continuous Delivery – the tech parts" by Jens Bräuer Very interesting talk about the technical details of automating a complete server environment with AWS, RPM, YUM, MCollective, Puppet and Jenkins. Some things I noted: Amazon S3 <-> YUM Integration (use S3 as YUM repo backend) and Use createrepo baseurl to point to actual RPM location in S3 Using a distributed HTTP-based document store as a YUM repo backend to solve the availability problem sounds like a really good idea. Software packages bring their own monitoring and load balancer configuration He also recommended for monitoring and for load balancing. Their software packages bring their own monitoring and load balancing configuration that is dropped into /etc/monit.d and /etc/haproxy.d . Each server monitors itself
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