
Schlomo Schapiro

Schlomo Schapiro

Dear Visitor,

on these pages you can find some of my work past and present which I found worthy to be published.

I am always happy to know if somebody finds my work useful or can profit from my previous efforts. I am equally thankful about any comment on the materials you find here. You can contact me via email to webmaster @ schapiro.org. 

I am always looking for interesting projects and offers. Take a look at my my Blog and GitHub profile and also at my Twitter and LinkedIn. My publications and talks also reflect a lot of my work, there are also some videos available.

A formal CV is available upon request. For commercial support for my Open Source projects please go to Schlomo Schapiro Open-Source Consulting.

Like my work? Send me a present from my Amazon wishlist!

Professional Background

Since 2024 Associate Partner / Principal Engineer Tektit Consulting, Berlin
2021 - 2024 Principal Engineer Forto, Berlin
2017 – 2021 Chief Architect Cloud DB Systel, Berlin & Frankfurt
2016 – 2017 Senior Architect, Product Owner Workplace / Head of Product Zalando, Berlin
2009 – 2016 Product Owner, Systems Architect & Open Source Evangelist ImmobilienScout24, Berlin
1999 – 2004 Principal Consultant
Test Lab Manage
System Administrator
pro business Berlin, Berlin
mikado, Berlin
AZ Systems, Böblingen
MobilEye Vision Technologies, Jerusalem
Computation Authority, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
self employed and salaried

In 2012 ImmobilienScout24 (my former employer) made a nice short film about what I am doing at work (in German):

Like this content? You could send me something from my Amazon Wishlist. Need commercial support? Contact me for Consulting Services.

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