Cloud means DevOps - No Cloud without DevOps

I strongly believe that you can't be successful in the Cloud without also adopting DevOps. Here is why. My latest definition of DevOps is if every person uses the same tool for the same job codified knowledge: everybody contributes his part to common automation if all people have the same privileges in their tooling if human error is equally possible for Dev and Ops replacing people interfaces by automated decisions and processes but most of all DevOps is the result of doing the right thing and not a process, methodology or even tool set of its own. Looking closely at public cloud vendors and their interfaces I see a close correlation with this DevOps definition. Cloud vendors give every person the same interfaces and tools to work with are API based and make it really simple to code the entire setup give all users the same privileges - that of a customer let all their users make the same mistakes indisccriminately provide most change requests through auto...