Is Cloud Native the new Linux?

The CloudNativeCon + KubeCon North Europe 2017 in Berlin was sold out with 1500 participants. I learned really a lot about Kubernetes and the other new and shiny tools that start to become main stream. To get an introduction into Cloud Native, watch Alexis Richardson in the keynote on " What is Cloud Native and Why Should I care " ( slides , video at 12:27). He explained the goal of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as avoiding cloud lock-in , which is much more to the point than the official charter (which talks about "the adoption of a new computing paradigm"). Alexis chairs the Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) of the CNCF. The Foundation is " projects first ", set up similar to the Linux Foundation and already sponsors various Open Source projects . Linux Lock-In His remarks got me to think about the question, especially in comparison with Linux. To me it seems that modern IT in the data center already has a pretty strong ...