automirror - Automate Linux Screen Mirroring

I do a lot of pair working and many times I connect a large TV or projector to my laptop for others to see what I am doing. Unfortunately the display resolution of my laptop never matches that of the other display, and Linux tends to choose 1024x768 as the highest compatible resolution. This is of course totally useless for doing any real work. My preferred solution for this problem is to use X scaling to bridge the resolution gap between the different screens. Since none of the regular display configuration tools support scaling, I ended up typing this line very often: xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1600x900 --output HDMI3 --mode 1920x1080 --scale-from 1600x900 Eventually I got fed up and decided to automate the process, the result is automirror , a little Bash script that automatically configures all attached displays in a mirror configuration. automirror is available on . Typical Use Cases Connecting a Full HD 1920x1080 disp...